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WWF Adria was officially established at the beginning of 2015 although WWF has been active in the Dinaric Arc region for more than 15 years. WWF plays a key role in protecting the biodiversity of the Dinaric Arc region, part of the larger Mediterranean and Danube-Carpathian ecoregion.

With its head office in Zagreb, Croatia, WWF Adria works in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo*, Slovenia and Serbia. WWF Adria is a branch of, and acts through, the WWF Mediterranean Programme established by WWF International to protect forests, marine and freshwater ecosystems in the Mediterranean.


* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/99 and the IJC opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Main Activities of WWF Adria

Wildlife: Adria is a biodiversity hotspot, with 7,000-8,000 marine species, more than 50% of all birds in Europe and over 400 new species of invertebrates discovered within Dinaric karst in the last decade alone. We are committed to safeguarding priority species, such as our large carnivores (brown bear, wolf and lynx), marine mammals, sharks and rays, corals, birds of prey, the sturgeon and the olm. Together with our partners, we are building awareness on the necessity for the coexistence of people with wildlife, maintaining a precious balance. Another major threat to that balance is wildlife crime and we are doing our best to stop it.

Seas: We work in, on and around the Adriatic Sea, a fantastic 870km-long blue corridor with more than 1,000 islands. It attracts many tourists, sailors and divers, but it is also a home – a home to local communities and generations of fishers; and home to amazing wildlife. Rethinking the way we manage the many uses of our seas and oceans must become our shared priority. We work with governments, scientists, businesses, NGOs, coastal communities and seafood consumers to trigger transformative changes for better-shared use of the many benefits we often take for granted.
Freshwater: From the Alpine rivers in the north to the Valbona River in the south, we run freshwater conservation projects protecting iconic species like the sturgeon and sand martin, restoring wetlands and keeping rivers free-flowing. We’re also constantly pushing for better protection of freshwater habitats at national and international levels. Furthermore, we are supporting recognition of the Amazon of Europe, a territory extending through Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, and Serbia, where the Mura, Drava, and Danube Rivers form one of the great wetlands of the world.
Governance / Protected Areas: Protected areas need to fulfill their primary purpose – conservation of biodiversity. Our work focuses on increasing the efficiency of protected areas through improving policies and empowering local communities and civil society to actively participate in policy processes. We have assessed the benefits protected areas offer us in 58 protected areas and produced 6 national reports with policy recommendations. Through the platform we are raising awareness on the value of protected areas by showcasing the benefits that protected areas bring both to nature and to people.


WWF ADRIA,<br /> Croatia

WWF Adria &nbsp; Zelinska 2 &nbsp; 10000 Zagreb &nbsp; Croatia


+385 1 5509 623


Petra Boic Petrac

Regional Director of Communications, Individual and Corporate Resource Mobilisation

WWF ADRIA,<br /> Croatia