Below, please find a selection of cases from the City Solutions project 2011-2016:

Abbotsford wetlands 
Adelaide Christie Walk
Adelaide green city
Amsterdam cycling
Amsterdam Smart city
Auckland urban greening
Austin smart grid
Baoding clean-tech hub
Baoding and Shanghai low carbon
Barcelona market gardens
Barcelona solar energy
Berlin biodiversity
Berlin retrofits
Bogotá BRT pioneer
Brisbane urban mangroves
Bristol fair trade
Britain gardens
Brussels Capital Region housing​
Calgary Dollars
Calgary Ecological footprint
California Arizona xeriscaping
Canberra urban greening
Cape Town climate plan
Cape Town Earth Hour Capital
Cape Town solar heaters
Cape Town – Sustainability for all
Cardiff ecological footprint
Chengdu river cleanups
Chicago sustainable city
Copenhagen transport
Copenhagen climate plan
Curitiba waste as resource
Delhi air quality
Delhi governance
Denmark waste to energy
Edmonton green planning
Evanston energy 
Forli sustainability
Freiburg green city
Freiburg Solar Region
Gainesville feed-in tariffs
Ghent meat-free Thursdays
Gothenburg consumption
Guangzhou bus rapid transit
Guangzhou Jinshan
Hanoi aquaculture
Hat Yai resilience
Havana urban farming
Houston building retrofits
Hyderabad wastewater irrigation
Jakarta transport
Kalundborg industrial sympiosis
Karlstad Tuggelite eco-village
Lahti energy
Lapeenranta green city
London congestion charges
Los Angeles street lights
Lubumbashi urban farming 
Malmö Augustenborg
Malmö Bo01
Malmö Food
Manchester ICT pioneer
Masdar eco-city
Mata de Sesimbra eco-turism
Melbourne urban biosphere
Merton London climate rule
Mexico City transport
Mexico City water forest
Milwaukee food security
Montería motorbikes
Montería sustainable growth
Moshi water security
Muangklang low carbon city
Münster bicycle capital
Nairobi sanitation
New Orleans wetlands
New York greening
New York water
Oslo EV-city
Oslo governance
Paris – New Dreams in the old town
Paris Vélib' bike-sharing
Paris transport
Perth rapid electric rail
Petaling Jaya consumption
Portland transit development
Puebla energy efficiency
Reykjavik geothermal energy
Rizhao solar water heating
Ruhr region renaturalization
San Francisco Bay Area
San Francisco farmers markets
San Francisco governance
San Francisco zero waste
San José solar power
Saxony recycling
Seattle energy efficient buildings
Semarang climate adaptation
Sendai public purchasing
Seoul Cheonggyecheon river
Seoul Earth Hour Capital
Seoul Sunlight City
Shanghai urban farming
Singapore energy
Singapore water management
Sonoma One Planet County
Stockholm Järva
Stockholm Climate Plan
Stockholm National City Park
Stockholm wastewater
Stuttgart green corridors
Sutton BedZED
Sutton One Planet Living
Sønderborg carbon neutrality
Thane solar city
Tianjin, Dongtan, Caofeidian
Tokyo Eco Points
Toronto air quality
Toronto transition
Tshwane waste to energy
UN resilience
Uppsala climate cooperation
Vancouver district energy
Vancouver Harvesting neighbourhood energy
Vancouver greenest city
Vancouver transport
Wellington smart growth
Vienna green planning
Vitoria-Gasteiz greening
Vorarlberg passive housing
Växjö local energy
Växjö networking
Zürich sustainable transport
Örebro brownfield remediation

Theme icons



Sabina Andren

Programme Manager Sustainable Cities


+46 70 34 05 137

List of Cities
28 Feb 2019

Uppsala is a bustling city just north of Stockholm, famous for its renowned university. It was also ...

Uppsala – climate-positive attitude
14 Feb 2019

In many ways, climate change also means water change. And our water patterns are already noticeably ...

Cape Town: Avoiding “Day Zero”
11 Feb 2019

Many cities strive to use urban greenery as a nature-based solution to air pollution, climate ...

Guatemala City: the jungle in the city
07 Feb 2019

The sun has powered the California Dream, and kept the state pleasantly warm. Until now. The ...

Santa Monica: Catching the Californian Sun
07 Feb 2019

The exposure to outdoor air pollution causes millions of deaths each year. It’s an urgent issue to ...

Pune: redesigning the city and changing minds
06 Feb 2019

Buildings cause almost one third of global carbon emissions. But today, we have the knowledge to ...

Vancouver - The Zero Emissions Building Plan
11 Nov 2015

The cleanest town in East Africa

Moshi water security
11 Nov 2015

Bridging the waste technology gap

Tshwane waste to energy
11 Nov 2015

Climate change mitigation´s low hanging fruits

Puebla energy efficiency

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Urban Solutions Exeutive Summary 2012
© Urban Solutions Exeutive Summary 2012 © © NASA & Michael Buckley / WWF-Canada

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