Friends and colleagues,

The efforts to conserve the ecosystems and species of our region and the planet were strengthened by last month’s events.

In relation to Oceans, WWF joined the global movement to beat plastic pollution on World Environment Day. A report published by WWF and the Convention on Migratory Species conveyed the challenges faced in the struggle to reduce the bycatch of cetaceans.

In Forests, WWF-Paraguay, Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina, WWF-Brazil and several partners, signed an agreement to strengthen the Atlantic Forest Program. In Peru, a financial model was launched to support the conservation of protected areas, while Brazil declared three new protected areas.

With regards to Freshwater, Mexico decreed water reserves in about 300 basins in a historic decision that will benefit the environment and 45 million people.

In reference to Wildlife, in Ecuador, the indigenous community of Zancudo Cocha is assisting in the protection of the jaguar using camera traps.

In Climate & Energy, WWF-Bolivia bet on a non-exhaustive clean energy source. In Chile, the Santiago Stock Exchange opened the Green and Social Bond market. Lastly, a thousand people ran to win a race against climate change in Argentina.

Enjoy this new edition,



Roberto Troya

Vice president & Regional Director


© Brent Stirton / Getty Images / WWF-UK


WWF Joins the Global Movement to Beat Plastic Pollution

Humans dump around thirteen million tons of plastic into the sea every year. On World Environment Day, WWF collaborated with UN Environment, to motivate our teams, partners and followers to make a commitment to reduce pollution by plastics and join the global game of #BeatPlasticPollution tag.


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© Doug Perrine/ WWF


A Report Highligths the Challenges to Save Cetaceans

A report published by WWF in collaboration with the Convention on Migratory Species, reveals the steep challenges scientists and policy makers are grappling with as they seek to reduce bycatch in fishing gear around the world and guarantee the survival of cetaceans and other endangered marine life.


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© Fabianus Fliervoet


Strengthening the Atlantic Forest Program (Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay)

During the Annual WWF Conference in Cartagena, Colombia, representatives of WWF-Paraguay, the Wildlife Argentina Foundation, WWF-Brazil, WWF-Germany, WWF-Switzerland, WWF-Holland and WWF-LAC signed the Agreement for the Implementation of the Atlantic Forest Program 2019-2021 at the event titled "The past, present and future of the Atlantic Forest". The agreement is a declaration to meet the objectives established in the Ecoregional Action Plan.


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From Wall Street to the Peruvian Amazon, the Financial Model that Seeks To Guarantee Our Nature’s Survival

This initiative will help finance the conservation of natural protected areas in the long term. The project is receiving funding from GEF, which, in its first stage, will contribute 9 million dollars to the fund that aims to raise an additional 70 million dollars from various sources to support 38 protected areas in the Amazon.


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© WWF-Brazil / Zig Koch


Brazilian Amazon and Caatinga Biomes Gain New Protected Areas

The Brazilian Federal Government announced the creation of new protected areas in Brazil, during the World Environment Day. The new protected areas are: the Extractive Reserve Baixo Rio Branco-Jauaperi and the Wildlife Refuge and Environmental Protection Area of Ararinha Azul (Spix´s Macaw). The President of the Republic signed the decrees.


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© WWF-México


Historic Decree Safeguards Water Supplies in Close to 300 Rivers Basins

The President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, signed ten landmark decrees establishing water reserves in nearly 300 river basins. The decrees will guarantee water supplies for the next 50 years for 45 million people, as well as some of the country’s most biodiverse ecosystems. This establishes the protection of about 55% of the country’s surface water in almost half of Mexico’s 756 river basins.


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© Ronald Bravo


A Group of Amazon Kichwas is Protecting Jaguar Populations Through the Use of Camera Traps

Since 2016, WWF-Ecuador, in a joint project with WWF-Germany and WWF-Belgium, and with the support of the Ministry of the Environment, began a process with the community of Zancudo Cocha in the Ecuadorian Amazon, to train them in biological monitoring with camera traps. On one hand, the purpose of the project is to monitor their territory and protect it from loggers and poachers. On the other hand, this process aims to generate learning processes about the forest, the species that live there and their importance to the ecosystem.


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© WWF-Bolivia


WWF-Bolivia Bets on a Non-Exhaustive Clean Energy Source

With the aim of generating a positive impact in the fight against climate change, WWF-Bolivia is committed to leading by example and promoting the use of renewable energies. The office is now the proud owner of a self-consumption photovoltaic system with a generation capacity of 8kW, which covers about 35% of its total energy consumption. And we’re going for more!


© Global Warming Images / WWF


Green Bonds Open New Opportunities for the Environment in Chile

The Santiago Stock Exchange, the main trading center of Chile, opened the Green and Social Bond market. This is a milestone that places the country as a regional leader in these types of investment tools that contribute to sustainability.


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© Fundación vida Silvestre Argentina


1,000 Pople Ran to Win a Race Against Climate Change

After a very long delay due to weather issues, the main event of Earth Hour in Argentina was finally celebrated. The event sold out and 1,000 runners participated. Aside from the race, Vida Silvestre hosted activities that included virtual reality tours around various Argentinian ecological regions. Energy efficiency workshops were also held, and a Green Point was installed to receive used vegetable oil and old and unused electronic devices to be reused or recycled.


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In the Social Media

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  • More than interactions (Likes, reactions, comments & shares) originated by contents in Spanish posted on WWF International's Facebook.
  • +33.4K people reached.

Featured posts:

Chile plastic bags
28K interactions

Plásticos en el océano
2.4K interactions

Data: June 1-30, 2018 (Facebook Statistics)



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Featured tweets:
Camera Traps in Ecuador
146 retweets, 209 likes

Galápagos without plastics
95 retweets, 135 likes

Data: June 1-30, 2018 (Engage.meltwater)