Ensuring the financial system recognizes nature’s value
Working with banks, insurers, regulators and companies to integrate nature into financial decision-making.
WWF works on ‘financing green’ – increasing investment in sustainable development; and ‘greening finance’ – improving the integration of environmental risks and opportunities into financial decision-making.

Through our ‘greening finance’ work, we’re demonstrating how risks like climate change, water scarcity and biodiversity loss affect investments and economies, and how to respond.

Our flagship Greening Financial Regulation Iniative (GFRI) engages central banks and financial supervisors on the need to integrate climate and environmental risks into decision-making, providing research, tools, support and training to help achieve global sustainability goals.

We’re also working on net zero finance and nature positive finance:
  • encouraging financial institutions to align portfolios with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, investing only in companies and projects that contribute to keeping global temperature rise well below 2°C;
  • encouraging financial institutions and companies to disclose nature-related risks and opportunities, shifting global financial flows toward nature-positive outcomes that deliver on the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
We welcome proposals for collaboration and partnership. If you would like to explore opportunities for collaboration, please contact us on finance@wwfint.org.