© Jurgen Freund
Bankable Nature Solutions
What we’re doing
Human wellbeing and development depend on nature and healthy ecosystems
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer a blueprint for a sustainable future by 2030. Yet a persistent $2.5 trillion annual financing gap stands in the way of achieving them.

And a total investment in nature of $8.1 trillion is required between now and 2050 to tackle climate change and nature loss. This means tripling annual investments in nature-based solutions by 2030 and quadrupling them by 2050, from current investments of around $133 billion. 

Government and philanthropic funding alone cannot close the funding gap - but estimates suggest that through new positive impact enterprise, the private sector could deliver more than half of the funding needed to achieve the SDGs.

Conservation and nature-based solutions represent a massive opportunity. Working with companies, financial institutions and local stakeholders, we can develop Bankable Nature Solutions (BNS) which reduce pressure on ecosystems, drive resilience and sustainability for both people and nature, and generate financial return for communities and investors. 

That’s why WWF is initiating bankable projects across an increasing number of landscapes. And working through partnership programmes such as Mobilising More for Climate (MoMo4C), the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD), the Landscapes Resilience Fund (LRF), the Nature based Solutions Accelerator (NbSA), WWF Impact, and others, we are helping catalyse bankable projects around the world.

Get in touch to find out more about collaborating and partnering with us.

© Chonlathan Naratree
Why do we need Bankable Nature Solutions?
Around the world, land use change, deforestation, and agricultural intensification are driving climate breakdown, ecosystem degradation, and nature loss.

The most vulnerable people and communities in society are particularly badly affected because they rely on natural resources for their livelihoods.

While many financial institutions, development agencies, and companies are looking for ways to catalyse private investment in nature, conservation projects appear relatively unattractive due to limited availabillity of large-scale, liquid investment opportunities, non-transparent risks, relatively low returns, and long time horizons.

Bankable Nature Solutions (BNS) offer a solution - through creating financially viable projects which support the development of more resilient, sustainable landscapes and economies. And their bankability helps accelerate scaling and replication, realising large-scale positive impact for nature and people.
Bankable Nature Solutions
WWF engagement with BNS Funds and Facilities
WWF engagement in BNS funds and facilities


WWF works with private sector and financial institutions to develop and deploy origination and technical assistance facilities and impact investment funds tailored to different sectors, themes and project maturity stages. Some examples are shown above.

Among other roles, WWF can act as an advisor, conservation partner, landscape coordinator, service provider, convener and facilitator.

WWF’s BNS programme is active in the highlighted countries through WWF-linked funds and facilities


The map above shows countries in which WWF’s BNS programme is active through WWF-linked funds and facilities.


Bankable Nature Solutions Case Studies

Get to know some of our work across the globe and the types of project we support:

  • Chanzi - Alternative protein production (insect proteins) in Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, and Zambia
  • Cinch – Sustainable agriculture in Kenya 
  • Colorquimica - Sustainable agriculture (natural colourants) in Colombia 
  • Koa - Sustainable agriculture (cocoa pulp products) in Ghana 
  • Financoop – Sustainable agriculture and green financial services in Ecuador 
  • Forest Africa Zambia - Sustainable forest management (wild fruits products) in Zambia
  • Minh Phu – Sustainable agriculture and aquaculture in Vietnam 
  • Wuchi Wami – Sustainable agriculture, apiculture and forests in Zambia 

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