© Karine Aigner/WWF-US
Climate adaptation
Helping people adjust and enabling nature to be more resilient to the impacts of climate change

Rising temperatures and increasingly unpredictable climate patterns are already threatening people and nature around the world. Unfortunately, many of the places that are rich in biodiversity are also those where both people and ecosystems are the most vulnerable to climate change.

WWF’s work on climate adaptation aims to help people and nature cope with the current impacts of climate change, reduce future risks and improve resilience in a warming world.

Why is it important?
Climate change induces wide-ranging and significant local and global impacts. We are already experiencing these impacts, and they will escalate over this century even with substantial reductions in future greenhouse gas emissions. 

And yet, our world is not yet prepared for the extreme weather events and other risks that will be elevated as temperatures rise. We must urgently scale up investment in climate adaptation, especially Nature-based Solutions, to build more resilient societies, economies and ecosystems. 

Climate change has the potential to destabilize both economies and societies, compounding other environmental challenges and undermining sustainable development efforts. That is why understanding the link between climate change and other pressures is an important part of our work.

What WWF is doing
Governments, communities, businesses and cities are all thinking about what the future will be like, and what can be done to minimise climate risks and harness benefits. Climate adaptation planning presents an opportunity for WWF to shape the future we want to see. 

WWF is involved in climate adaptation in a number of ways, including:
  • Influencing international and national policies, plans and strategies
  • Capacity building and awareness raising
  • Developing tools and methods for risk assessment and adaptation planning
  • Implementing climate adaptation projects 
  • Research and adaptive management
  • Communication and outreach
WWF, in collaboration with a wide range of partners, is working to ensure adaptation is given increasing priority in national and international strategies to ensure the resilience of the most vulnerable people and nature.

© WWF-Malaysia / Mazidi Abd Ghani

WWF's principles for building social and ecological resilience

To build resilience for both people and nature, WWF encourages countries and donor institutions to follow 3 guiding principles:
  1. Avoid harming nature
  2. Use nature to help people adapt
  3. Help nature to adapt

Learn more