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On December 18, 2020, Peru submitted its updated NDC to the UNFCC.
The Peruvian NDC has updated its ambition as targets have increased from 20% to 30% emission reductions as an unconditional goal and from 30% to 40%, as the conditional goal. The effort of enhancing an NDC amidst a social crisis and the impacts of COVID-19 must be acknowledged. However, an analysis by the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) that as considered Peru's previous NDC as "insufficient", therefore not compatible with 1.5˚C, has also predicted that a 35% target would still be met with current policies. The updated NDC also presents a strong adaptation component, but lacks details on sectoral targets, linkages with SDGs and measurable Nature-based Solutions.
Considering Peru’s high vulnerability, relatively low emissions and its Upper-Middle Income economy, our analysis concludes that the updated NDC has Some Way to Go to become the NDC We Want according to our checklist.