Brazil: NDC We Don't Want

On March 21st, 2022, Brazil submitted its second update to its first NDC to the UNFCCC.

Our analysis indicates once again that Brazil’s emissions reduction targets continue to backslide from its previous 2016 NDC, violating the Paris Agreement’s progression principle, despite minor improvements such as provisions on adaptation, clarity on the NDC being unconditional and a target for reducing illegal deforestation.

Brazil is one of the world’s biggest emitters and the largest economy in South America. However, its 2022 version of the NDC remains less ambitious than its 2016 one. Therefore, we consider the Brazilian NDC an NDC We Don’t Want according to our checklist. It should be updated to combine the best science available with really strengthened mitigation targets aligned with a 1.5°C trajectory.

Looking for WWF's rating of Brazil's previous NDC? The previous assessment and checklist are still available for download.