The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
WWF resources and reports
- Asia Pacific NDCs: Recommendations for Decision-Makers
- WWF: NDCs - A Force for Nature? (3rd Edition)
- Latin America and Caribbean NDCs: Recommendations for Decision-Makers
- WWF, Climate Focus, UN-REDD, UNEP DTU, NDC Action and BMU: Enhancing Forest Targets and Measures in Nationally Determined Contributions
- WWF, UNEP, EAT and Climate Focus: Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for Food Systems
- WWF and Practical Action: Anchoring Loss and Damage in Enhanced NDCs
- NDCs: A force for nature?
- Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions through Protected Areas
- Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions through Nature-Based Solutions
- The Colombian NDC: Opportunities for integration with the global agendas for biodiversity and sustainable development
- WWF: The Case for Ambition - Practical lessons for enhancing NDCs in Latin America
- WWF: The Case for Ambition - Practical lessons for enhancing NDCs in Latin America (Spanish)
Other resources and reports
- IUCN: Unpacking the UNFCCC Global Stocktake for Ocean-Climate Action
- UNFCCC: Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue - informal summary report
- UNFCCC: NDC Sythesis Report 2021
- New Climate Institute: NDC Update Report December 2020
- IPCC: Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C Summary for Policymakers
- IPCC: Special Report on Climate Change and Land Summary for Policymakers
- NDC Partnership: Experience with Multi-Stakeholder Engagement: Key Lessons Learned
- GRI and CDP: Engaging Business in the NDCs: Policy Recommendations on the Role of the Private Sector and Reporting
- UCT Energy Research Centre: Comparative Analysis of the NDCs of Canada, the European Union, Kenya and South Africa from an Equity Perspective
- FAO: Regional analysis of NDCs of Eastern Africa
- OECD: Tracking progress towards NDCs and relevant linkages between Articles 4, 6 and 13 of the Paris Agreement
- NDC Partnership: One year on
- IUCN and Oxford University: Nature-Based Solutions in NDCs
- UNDP: Pathway for increasing Nature-Based Solutions in NDCs
- UNDP: Toolkit for Mainstreaming Nature-Based Solutions into NDCs
- Nature4Climate: Nature-based solutions case studies
- Nature4Climate: Natural solutions available now
- UNDP: Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Global Outlook Report 2019
- Alliance for Global Water Adaptation: Watering the NDCs: National Climate Planning for 2020 and Beyond
- Alliance for Global Water Adaptation: Watering the NDCs - Key Messages
- The Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action: Ministries of Finance and Nationally Determined Contributions Stepping Up for Climate Action
- IRENA: NDCs in 2020 - Advancing renewables in the power sector and beyond
- Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program: Guidance on Incorporating Efficient, Clean Cooling into the Enhancement of Nationally Determined Contributions