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Under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, each country has to regularly develop national plans of action to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and deal with the impacts of the climate crisis. These are called nationally determined contributions (NDCs).
Since 2018, WWF has offered governments guidance, evaluation on developing and actioning NDCsWeWant. This page showcases WWF's tools and outputs from our ongoing work on national climate plans, including our latest support for the development of new NDCs (so called 'NDCs 3.0') which countries should publish well ahead of the UNFCCC COP30 in 2025.
Each successive nationally determined contribution must have stronger climate ambition and action than the previous one, in accordance with their national circumstances.
WWF's first edition of the NDCsWeWant Checklist, was used to assess selected national climate plans submitted before the end of 2021.
In June 2024, WWF published an updated NDCsWeWant Checklist accommodating the outcome of UNFCCC COP29 Global Stocktake. This provides the tool for assessing new NDCs submitted by 2025, (so called 'NDCs 3.0').

The 195 countries that have signed the global Paris Agreement climate treaty must update their plans for preventing dangerous climate change every five years.
Each country does this by updating their national climate plans, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (or NDCs). The next deadline for countries to do this is 2025, when countries must set out their climate action plans for the period 2025 -2035.
At a minimum these plans should show:
- How much the country will reduce their greenhouse gas emissions - which is commonly referred to as ‘climate targets.’
- How the country plans to meet these goals, including what activities they will do. This can range from shifting to electric vehicles and by shifting energy systems away from fossil fuels and towards 100% renewable energy, for example.
If we add up what countries have said they will do to address the climate crisis, it will not be enough to keep temperatures to a level safe for people and nature. This is why it is so vital for that governments improve their own climate planning by submitting plans aligned to the 1.5°C temperature goal set out in the Paris Agreement.
The WWF NDCsWeWant Checklist provides what WWF considers ‘good practice’ for developing these national climate plans.
Explore the map below to access our NDCsWeWant Assessments done up to the end of 2021.
As countries create new and revised NDCs ahead of 2025, WWF will review them against the assessments done using our first edition NDCsWeWant Checklist. Click on the pins to see the assessments.
Food Forward NDCs
Food Forward NDCs is a guidance tool to support the enhancement and implementation of NDC ambitions for agriculture and food systems transformation.