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© Tony Rakotondramanana
The UN climate change conference, COP28, was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from 30 November to 12 December 2023.
The latest science shows that climate change is moving much faster than we are, pushing ecosystems and communities to their limits.
If humanity does not change course, by accelerating the shift away from fossil fuels and building low carbon climate resilient economies, we will miss the chance to limit warming to 1.5°C this century with limited overshoot. Already 3.3-3.6 billion people are vulnerable to climate change impacts, and this number will rapidly increase with rising temperatures.
We need to urgently scale up efforts to help people and nature adapt to a warming world and to implement climate solutions - which are already available across all sectors and can more than halve emissions by 2030. This is vital if we are to limit global warming to 1.5°C and avoid the most devastating impacts on people and nature.
If humanity does not change course, by accelerating the shift away from fossil fuels and building low carbon climate resilient economies, we will miss the chance to limit warming to 1.5°C this century with limited overshoot. Already 3.3-3.6 billion people are vulnerable to climate change impacts, and this number will rapidly increase with rising temperatures.
We need to urgently scale up efforts to help people and nature adapt to a warming world and to implement climate solutions - which are already available across all sectors and can more than halve emissions by 2030. This is vital if we are to limit global warming to 1.5°C and avoid the most devastating impacts on people and nature.
Policy Resources
- WWF Submission: Mitigation Work Programme (Feb 2023)
- WWF Submission: Loss and Damage Funding Arrangements (Feb 2023)
- WWF Submission: Global Stocktake (Feb 2023)
- WWF Submission - Glasgow-Sharm El-Sheikh work programme on the Global Goal on Adaptation (Feb 2023)
- WWF Submission - New Collective Quantified Goal (Feb 2023)
- WWF Submission - SBSTA under Article 6.4 (March 2023)
- WWF Submission - Removals under Article 6.4 (March 2023)
- WWF Submission - Sharm El-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security (March 2023)
- Joint Submission - Food systems approach in Sharm El-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security (March 2023)
- WWF Submission - Mitigation Work Programme (May 2023)
- WWF Submission - New Collective Quantified Goal (May 2023)
- Agroecology Coalition Submission - Food Security and Agriculture
- WWF Submission: Adaptation Finance (July 2023)
- Global Stocktake Poster
- WWF Climate Policy Manifesto 2023
- WWF Briefing: Adaptation Finance (Nov 2023)
- WWF Briefing: Global Goal on Adaptation (Nov 2023)
- WWF Briefing: Loss & Damage Funding (Nov 2023)
- An Actionable First Global Stocktake - Providing a Course Correcting Pathway
- WWF - Responsible Finance for Blue Carbon Ecosystems 2023
- WWF - Proposal for an Energy Transition Package - COP28
- WWF Global Energy Policy Framework (Nov 2023)
Catch-Up on COP28
Wondering what happened after two weeks of negotiations at the UN climate talks in Dubai?

After days of intense negotiations, a landmark agreement emerged from the UN climate summit in Dubai, marking a significant step towards addressing the climate crisis and signalling the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era. So what exactly happened?
See our COP28 summary for our key takeaways
WWF's Expectations for COP28
Essentials outcomes required from COP28:
- A successful Global Stocktake, which paves the way for stronger NDCs to correct course to 1.5C.
- A decision to phase out fossil fuels no later than 2050.
- Full operationalization of the Loss and Damage Fund, with pledged funds.
- A decision on a comprehensive framework for the Global Goal on Adaptation.
- Scaling up finance by developed countries to beyond $100 billion per annum.
- Alignment of all private and public financial flows with climate objectives.
Watch our COP28 events online
The WWF Pavilion at COP28 hosted a wide array of events on topics ranging from the much-needed phase-out of fossil fuels to food systems, finance, forests and nature-based solutions.
All #PandaHub events were live-streamed and archived on our YouTube channel so you can watch from wherever you are in the world. See the full agenda here.
News and Press Enquiries
WWF has a number of experts available to provide commentary in multiple languages on topics ranging from what needs to happen next to deliver the energy transition and the dual climate and nature crises.To set up an interview with one of our experts, contact
We Can't Let Our World Go Up In Smoke
Leaders must agree on a plan to phase out fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas - there is no time to waste.
To help people and nature, we must move towards more efficient, sustainable, renewable energy now!
Watch the other videos in this series
- Flammable Planet (2022)
- Can’t Negotiate the Melting Point of Ice (2021)
Manifesto: Climate Action Right Now
Download the manifesto (pdf)
Bringing climate change and energy to the centre of the multilateral system has never been more challenging and more urgent than in 2023. This year we will see the political consolidation of the Paris Agreement. The first Global Stocktake will have its political phase at COP28, set to conclude that global efforts to date are woefully insufficient, and we are far off course. There are other important multilateral moments such as the G7 and G20 Summits, the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact, the UN Climate Ambition Summit, and the International Climate and Energy Summit.
The UN Secretary General rightly said our world needs climate action on all fronts — ‘everything, everywhere, all at once’. In this manifesto, we highlight six decisions needed from world leaders and other stakeholders. The common thread throughout these moments is the need to correct course, culminating with strong decisions at COP28.
Climate & Energy: News and blog posts