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Climate change doesn’t just threaten the Coral Triangle’s coral reefs, fish and mangroves—it can undermine communities and stability in a region that is extremely reliant on natural resources. This calls for improved awareness of solutions and a solid engagement, from governments to individuals.

© Jurgen Freund/WWF-Pacific
A climate-smart approach
More than many other places on the planet, the Coral Triangle is especially vulnerable to climate change and ocean acidification, whose effects could spell catastrophe for the region’s people, resources, and environment.Over the past 40 years, more than 40% of coral reefs and mangroves have disappeared in this centre of marine biodiversity. Of what remains, more than 85% is under threat.
The challenges facing even the smallest communities are further compounded by global phenomena such as higher sea temperatures, population growth, coastal development, pollution, and unsustainable and destructive fishing.
In the era of climate change, finding smart, sustainable solutions is paramount.
Going for the Blue
WWF’s work in the Coral Triangle adapts the Blue Economy strategy, in which biodiversity conservation is addressed by reducing environmental footprints, especially among economically important, high-impact industries such as fisheries, aquaculture, and tourism.Food security and livelihoods are prioritised by building resiliency and encouraging best practices among community and fisheries. Creating and maintaining marine protected and marine managed areas (MPAs and MMAs) and networks of Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMA) have also been proven to boost ecosystem resiliency.
A climate-smart approach to our work is crucial if we are to achieve future food security and help the region mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.
Linking up for conservation
WWF is working in the Asia Pacific region to expand private-sector engagement in support of national conservation and footprint reduction, and to advocate for policies that genuinely promote the sustainable and equitable development of natural resources.We are building on established relationships with national governments and regional organisations, the private sector, and communities for improved conservation policies and practices. We are encouraging businesses that rely on healthy marine resources to invest in the protection and sustainable management of oceans not only to safeguard their natural asset base but more importantly, to ensure food security and livelihoods for communities that depend on these assets.