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Between Mexico’s mainland and the Baja California Peninsula lies the Gulf of California, a mystical frontier of splendid coastlines and turquoise waters. But overfishing, pollution and climate change are all posing serious threats to the region's unique biodiversity.
© Edward Parker / WWF
Described by French ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau as the world's aquarium, the gulf supports an extraordinary diversity of marine life, which includes endangered marine turtles and dolphins, coral reefs and over 900 different fish species.
The waters are also an important breeding area for the world's largest animal, the blue whale, and other whales such as fin, sperm, orca and humpback.
Safeguarding the gulf
But pressures from unsustainable tourism, development and commercial fishing are threatening the wildlife and the way of life for millions of people who depend on the sea for their livelihoods.WWF is working to find a careful balance between meeting the needs of the local people and maintaining a healthy ecosystem in Mexico’s Gulf of California through 3 priority areas:
- creating a network of marine protected areas
- promoting sustainable fisheries
- encouraging sustainable coastal development and tourism

Protection with a porpoise
Found only in Mexico's Gulf of California, the vaquita is the world's smallest and most endangered porpoise.

Habitat loss and getting caught in fishing nets are major threats to the vaquita and other marine species, such as marine turtles and sharks.
To protect this species from extinction, WWF has succeeded in pushing for the establishment of marine protected areas in the Gulf of California, especially in the gulf's northern waters where vaquitas are mostly found.
Parts of the sea have also been designated as World Heritage sites.

© WWF / Cinthya Flores

© WWF / Michel GUNTHER
Facts & Figures
- The surface area of the Gulf of California is about 160,000 km2 (or 62,000 square miles).
- The narrow subtropical sea is 1,130km (700 miles) long and 80-209km (50-130 miles) wide.
- It is surrounded by the Mexican states of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa and Nayarit.
- There are 922 islands in the gulf; two large islands include Isla Ángel de la Guarda and Tiburón Island.
- The Gulf of California is also known as the Sea of Cortez.
- It was named in honour of Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés (or "Cortez") by Francisco de Ulloa in 1539.
- The coastal region is home to more than 8 million people, including the indigenous Pápagos, Seris, Pimas, Yaquis, Mayos, Cucapás, Kikapús and Coras.