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© Wild Wonders of Europe /Staffan Widstrand / WWF
Large Carnivores
After near extermination, large predators have made somewhat of a comeback in the Alps. The recovery of natural woodland and ungulate populations and the establishment of international treaties like the Bern Convention were important contributions to the return of bear, lynx, and wolf.
But the successful return of the large carnivores is not yet set in stone. Recovering populations of these predators still face human persecution and the small, highly fragmented populations that exist are not enough to ensure a future in the Alps.
But the successful return of the large carnivores is not yet set in stone. Recovering populations of these predators still face human persecution and the small, highly fragmented populations that exist are not enough to ensure a future in the Alps.
What We Do
The WWF European Alpine Programme is playing an active role in the conservation of the bear, wolf, and lynx in the Alps.Our Vision
In the long term, the large carnivore populations in the Alps are viable and connected, living in peaceful coexistence with humans.
Related documents
Brown Bear
Low acceptance and habitat fragmentation are threatening the return of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) to the Alps. Find out what WWF is doing to help facilitate the return of the bear.Grey Wolf
The natural return of the wolf (Canis lupus) to the Alps will only be successful if humans learn to live along side these animals in peaceful coexistence. Find out what WWF is doing to promote acceptance for the wolf in Alpine communities.Eurasian Lynx
The small and isolated populations of the lynx (Lynx lynx) constitute a major threat to the persistance of this animal in the Alps. Find out what WWF is doing to create a future for lynx across the Alpine arc.
© Infographics for the Alpine ecoregion. © WWF European Alpine Programme
Under the Bern Convention, the three large carnivores in the Alps are listed as protected (lynx) or strictly protected (wolf and bear).