The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
What We Do
The WWF European Alpine Programme has made freshwater a priority for conservation in the Alps. From lobbying for the preservation of the Tagliamento – one of the last pristine rivers in the Alps – to restoring some of the most ecologically important alpine rivers, WWF is helping to return freshwater back to its natural state.
Our Vision
In the long term, through WWF's work, the situation of Alpine river basins has improved: habitats are protected, restored, and connected.
River Restoration
WWF is helping to restore Alpine rivers by recreating natural water flow dynamics and enhancing connectivity among freshwater systems. WWF is also trying to protect the relatively pristine rivers that are left in the Alps.Read more...
Ecological Hydropower
WWF is promoting eco-labeling schemes across the Alps in an effort to support the construction of hydroelectric installations that do not majorly damage and alter the natural habitats and social elements of the affected rivers and lakes.Read more...