Archive Content

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We can conserve most of life on Earth by protecting the most exceptional ecosystems and habitats. Places that are particularly rich in biodiversity. Places with unique animals and plants. Places like no other.

2020 Priority Places Goal
By 2020, biodiversity is protected and well managed in the world’s most outstanding natural places.

Featured Places

Arctic | Coral Triangle | Mekong 
Madagascar | Mediterranean

Priority places by type:
Deserts | Forests | Freshwater | Marine | Mountains

Priority places by continent:
Africa | Americas | Asia | Europe | Oceania
Why these places?

These regions have been scientifically identified as:

  • being home to irreplaceable and threatened biodiversity, or
  • representing an opportunity to conserve the largest and most intact representative of their ecosystem.

We are also working in a number of regional priority areas that are locally important and have a long history of WWF conservation success.

Take a look at WWF's on the ground conservation projects: information  delivered direct from the field.

Virtual Gifts

Virtual Gifts