Environmental own goals: Global warming

Global warming could soon make Venice look more like Atlantis
So – for our number 1 own environmental own goal, what are we looking at?
Well, it is pretty extraordinary.
Global warming could fundamentally alter one third of plant and animal habitats by the end of this century © WWF

The experts say that global warming could fundamentally alter one third of plant and animal habitats by the end of this century. Climate change could result in the extinction of more than one million land-based species in the next 50 years. Sea levels will rise, low-lying islands will disappear and that some places like New York could one day look like Venice (and Venice will look like Atlantis?)

There is just too much to say on this, the number 1 environmental own goal. The impacts so widespread and so alarming, that we've had to write a whole section about it, and what can be done, if we do it in time…

Find out what you can do to tackle global warming and climate change.

Is it all doom and gloom?

No. You can read about the success which WWF has achieved with its partners over the last few years. Together we're making progress – the team is strong and we're out to win. If you feel like helping, we'd love to have you with us.