© Martin Harvey / WWF

During each Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee meeting, INC, the team at WWF create daily bulletins from the negotiaitons. We hope you find them useful. 

INC-4 – 23 - 29. April 2024 – Ottawa, Canada


​Penultimate UN talks on global plastic pollution treaty will make or break the treaty

WWF analysis shows a majority of states support ambitious and legally-binding global rules, even as a small minority try to delay and upend the treaty’s proceedings. With only two rounds of negotiations remaining, INC-4 is make-or-break time, and governments must agree on the key global measures that will have the biggest impact on ending plastic pollution. 

Ipsos survey: 85% of people want global ban on single-use plastics

An average of 85% of people polled worldwide believe the global plastic pollution treaty should ban single-use plastics, according to an Ipsos survey of more than 24,000 people in 32 countries commissioned by WWF and the Plastic Free Foundation. 

WWF calls on countries to stand firm as delaying tactics drive global plastic pollution treaty talks into deadlock

Despite an overwhelming majority of countries ready to move forward on a robust and ambitious treaty, countries with deep petrochemical interests delayed progress throughout the week and blocked the final decision on how to advance work leading into the fourth round of UN talks for a global plastic pollution treaty.

Draft global plastics treaty shows promise - now countries must back ambitious measures, says WWF

WWF commends a comprehensive first draft, also called 'zero draft', of the global plastic pollution treaty that sets the stage for the upcoming treaty negotiations in November. 

UN Plastic Pollution Treaty ‘one step closer’ to being realised, as negotiators in Paris agree to start developing a draft treaty with global rules to curb plastic pollution

WWF welcomes 'tangible progress' as the vast majority of countries show support for an ambitious and impactful treaty with binding global rules.

WWF calls for a global ban on ‘harmful and unnecessary’ single-use plastic items ahead of key UN plastic pollution treaty talks

A series of new reports published today – commissioned by WWF and conducted by Eunomia –  identifies the most damaging plastic products polluting the environment and proposes global control measures needed to eliminate, reduce or safely manage and circulate these plastics. WWF is advocating for these measures to be included in the treaty text, set to be published in the lead-up to the next round of talks in December 2023.

Global survey sees seven out of 10 people supporting global rules to end plastic pollution

A global study surveying over 23 000 people from across 34 countries show that on average 70 percent support global rules and regulations to tackle plastic pollution. 

WWF calls on states to join newly-formed plastic coalition and end plastic pollution by 2040

WWF commends the move of 20 states to form The High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution, which will work to ensure the world's first ever plastic pollution treaty includes global rules and regulations for the production, design and disposal of plastic , rather than a patchwork of national standards.

Global Businesses & NGOs Endorse a Common Vision for an Ambitious Global Plastics Treaty

85 organisations including major global businesses, financial institutions and NGOs have announced a common vision for an effective and ambitious Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution.

WWF commends UN Environment Assembly's watershed decision to start negotiations for a global plastics treaty

WWF welcomes the decision and urges the world’s governments to seize this powerful momentum for eliminating plastic pollution and act just as strongly and decisively in developing the full content of the treaty by 2024.